At some point during their time with a personal trainer, most clients want to lose weight and reduce their bodyfat. It can be difficult to focus on dropping weight over the winter holidays, but for many there is a nice stretch of time before the holidays where they are in a ‘normal’ routine and they can direct their energy toward following a healthy eating plan and getting in good, hard consistent workouts. Top Tier Personal Training will be hosting a weight loss challenge for our clients starting October 1st and ending the morning of November 28th (Thanksgiving morning).
To provide some assisting in following the weight loss plan, I have compiled tips that will hopefully increase your likelihood of success. In general in seems that people fail to follow through with diets because of one of four broad reasons: preparedness; knowledge; discipline; or practical aspects. These tips will be provided to help you manage each of those categories. The goal here isn’t that you implement every single tip into your daily routine. Instead, pick a couple of tips that ring true to you and implement them. Along the way if you find you are struggling with a specific scenario, see if this list might have a possible solution to your problem.
Just a heads up this is a relatively long article – I am going to post the tip and then briefly explain why each tip is likely to work. However if you just want to scan the tips themselves I am including them in table format for easy reference at the end of the article.
Plan out your food/where you will be the night before – when I am on a diet as I am going to bed I like to mentally plan out what I am going to eat the next day. I think about my schedule, where I will be, what I will have access to, and what I am going to eat. Wanting to eat chicken and rice for lunch is great, but if you don’t have access to a microwave or time to go out then that meal won’t happen.
Cook/buy food ahead of time – many people find taking one day a week to prep their food is very useful. When you are on a diet you have limited energy and resources, you must account for that. It is too much to ask that every day you come home after work and make a healthy dinner for yourself and the family. Knowing you have a specific meal just waiting for you ready to go can greatly increase your chance of adherence.
If you are very time pressed consider using a food prep service such as where you can custom order your meals for your nutritional goals
Have specific options for breakfast and lunch – most people eat based on patterns for their first couple of meals a day. Pick one or two options for breakfast and just stick with that, something that is healthy and that you enjoy. As an example for my breakfast when I am short on time I usually eat either 2 packets of oatmeal or a protein bar and a glass of milk. Each of those meals is about 350 kcal – enough energy to get you going without being excessive for almost anyone. If I have more time I’ll might make a bagel and 3 eggs.
Have specific meals for dinner – some people find that having a specific meal each night of the week is helpful. Taking the choice of out of dieting can relieve stress for some. For example every Monday might be salmon; Tuesday might be chicken; Wednesday is steak salad, etc. Pick several meals you like and enjoy that aren’t over the top in terms of calories and then eat them regularly.
Have go-to snacks – you are going to need some snacks or something to get through those periods of cravings without devouring an entire bag of chips. Great snacks include a piece of fruit, a protein shake, a specific amount of nuts, beef jerky, a small power bar, or the like. Make a list of 4-5 snacks you like and that fit your meal plan and have those around. You might even keep some in your car, in your office, or wherever you spend a lot of time. One of my favorite snacks is a protein shake, an orange, and 5-10 almonds.
Have plan B options – sometimes shit happens. Over the course of 2 months it isn’t realistic to expect every day will go according to plan and your stress to be minimal. In this case you need a plan B, a fallback plan. For me Chipotle is a great plan B but instead of getting my usual double stuffed burrito I would order a chicken salad with no sour cream. The food is good, it is available right now, and it will get me through the next several hours. If you have to do fast food then I suggest just ordering one thing, for example instead of getting a burger, fries, and a drink if you are at McDonald’s just get a double cheeseburger, if you are Chick Fila just get one chicken sandwich and that is it. I am not saying that’s ideal but this way you can stay on track.
Tell others you are on a diet – you are doing for this two reasons: First to hopefully get social support from those closest to you (and maybe you’ll motivate them to eat healthier) and so they don’t eat your food. It can be super annoying if you are hungry and you have a meal waiting for you at home and suddenly someone has eaten your food. Label it if you need to or have some agreement that if they eat your food they have to let you know ahead of time or something like that. My kids know not to eat Daddy’s food when he is on a diet.
Don’t follow a strict food budget – you only have so many resources, typically it is better to attack things in phases. It is tough to try to follow a strict diet and also be on a very strict food budget at the same time. Instead, relax the food budget a bit to help with compliance. For example I find chicken kabobs to be a great meal on a diet (half rice/half salad is a great dinner; or a ½ of a chicken kabob is a great meal almost any other time). I want to encourage myself to eat that meal more. In theory I could try to cook the chicken and rice and save money but again, be realistic, to me it is worth the $10-15 to have a kabob that is premade (and I get 2 meals out of it that isn’t too bad). Plus you’ll find it is likely the big restaurant meals that really add up and you probably won’t be eating at restaurants much during your diet.
Social Events – have a plan when you go to someone’s house. Almost all hosts provide food and they want the food to be good with a lot of it so social gatherings are rarely ideal when you are trying to watch what you eat. In general you have 3 choices: bring your own food; eating nothing; or only allow yourself to eat a limited menu and proportions. Don’t feel bad about bringing your own food, most people want to lose weight themselves and I think most people would actually respect your dedication and discipline to bring your own food especially if it just a simple get together such as playing cards or watching sports. Eating nothing can be the simplest plan if the event isn’t too long. Eating small proportions of what is available sounds the best in theory because it appeases the host but it is the hardest to actually follow so that is the method I would be the most warry of.
Know how much you need to eat in total calories – the science is clear, the single most important factor for almost everyone to lose weight is to keep their total calories below the level of what their body is burning. If you want to know your exact number consult with me, however a simple and reasonably accurate method is to simply take your weight in pounds and multiply it by 10. A 165 lb person should eat 1650 kcal/day to lose weight. If you have a large amount of weight to lose (>50 lbs) then take your goal weight and multiply that by 10. Your goal is to eat that number of calories per day on a consistent basis. In general we never go below 1200 kcals/day when dieting.
Know how much protein you should be consuming – the most important nutrient to eat is protein. When we lose weight we are likely to lose muscle. Muscle keeps our metabolism running, it allows you to perform all of those bad ass fitness feats your trainer has you performing, and it just looks awesome. We don’t want to lose muscle. The two best things to do help preserve that hard-earned muscle are eat enough protein and to lift weights. Resistance training tells the body it needs to keep that muscle around because it is using it. You want to eat at least .5 grams of protein per pound, if you lift more seriously and you want to get really lean then likely eating 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound is ideal during this time period. So our 165 lb person should eat at least 80 grams of protein a day, up to 165 grams of protein a day and possibly more if they are training super hard and aiming to be very lean. If you decide to go high protein lower carb during this phase a fiber supplement may be useful.
Know how to measure/guestimate calories in food – you know how many calories you are supposed to eat, now you need to make sure you are actually consuming that number of calories. Most people grossly underestimate how many calories their meals contain. If you are following your own meal plan, at the start you will just have to look the food items up. There is a good site called which is like a dictionary but for food – look up the food and it will tell you the calories. You must know how much food there is, a food scale can be very handy for this. Most people eat in patterns, I am not asking you to weigh your food every day for the rest of your life. Just weigh your common foods for a week or so and then you’ll be able to eyeball your proportions. Periodically it is good to “recalibrate” yourself by weighing the food to make sure you aren’t underestimating what you are eating (you’ll be amazed at how that justification system works to argue you should eat more food).
Know how to measure/guestimate protein in food – You also need to know how much protein is in food. Ideally I would like you to be able to look down at your plate and give a quick estimate of the protein content, a good trainer should be able to do that pretty easily. The good news is that protein amounts are pretty consistent among food types so this isn’t a matter of memorizing every individual food but instead just knowing some general guidelines, which are:
1 whole egg = 6-7 grams of protein
1 oz of meat = 6-7 grams of protein (any meat: fish, chicken, pork, beef, turkey, seafood)
1 oz of milk = 1 gram of protein
Those top 3 are the most important because those foods typically provide the bulk of our protein. If you want to go next level here are some additional protein amounts:
1 serving of veggies = 3-5 grams of protein
1 serving of carbs = 3-5 grams of protein
1 serving of fruit = 1 gram of protein
1 protein shake = 20-30 grams of protein
1 protein bar = 15-30 grams of protein
1 serving of nuts/beans = 4-6 grams of protein
1 serving of cheese = 4-6 grams of protein
1 egg white = 3 grams of protein
Once you know that information, you can guesstimate with reasonable accuracy how much protein you are eating. For example if we look at the chicken kabob I was referencing (half salad/half rice), it is 6 oz of chicken, 1.5 servings of rice, and 1.5 servings of salad.
6 oz chicken = 6 x 7 = 42 grams of protein
1.5 rice = 1.5 x 4 = 6 grams of protein
1.5 salad = 1.5 x 4 = 6 grams of protein
So that whole meal is roughly 50-55 grams of protein. As a 200 lb male that is around half to a quarter of how much protein I should have each day which is why it is a great meal or possibly 2 smaller meals for me. For someone my wife’s size (130 lbs) she could probably just eat half of that amount for a normal meal.
Have a general idea of what foods are healthier than others – calories are important but we don’t want to forget about health as well. A diet of only 3 snickers bars a day is quite low in total calories but don’t think that would be a healthy way to eat. In general we want to eat more whole, natural food sources and more fruits and veggies and less processed foods – particularly processed carbs (which is usually junk food) and processed meat (such as hot dogs and bacon). I had a minor epiphany when I learned that junk food is made the same way that dry dog food is. It is just bland food all mashed up and then coated with a flavoring to make it taste good. So next time you are wolfing down Doritos or Potato Chips just realize you are eating dry dog food made for humans.
Understand your cues and work around them as best you can – most of us have cues that tend to trigger unhealthy eating behavior. Most people don’t simply overeat 24/7, instead it is just a few times during the day or the during the week that we get off track. My breakfast and lunches are almost always pretty good, I would never get up in the morning and make myself a brownie sundae or chug down a chocolate milkshake. But after dinner my body likes something sweet so that is normally when I will indulge. If you are starving on your way home from work and you always drive by a Roy Rogers, seeing that Roy’s is your cue. Find a way to work around that. Maybe you take a different road home, even if the trip takes 5 min longer if you end up skipping the fast food it is worth it. Maybe you pack an apple in your car and as soon as you see the restaurant you eat the apple and that is enough to get you home. If you are a stress eater try taking a walk or writing in your diary or go punch a heavy bag instead of eating a half gallon of ice cream.
Understand your cravings – humans are animals and as such we are physiologically designed to crave certain things. At this point in time we are lucky in that we can pretty much eat whatever we want whenever we want, but for the vast majority of our time on earth this wasn’t the case. Certain foods in nature are scarce and as such we are designed to crave those things. In general we crave fat, salt, and sugar. It is very natural a few days into your diet (sometimes even a few hours into it) your body starts sending you panic signals that it wants those things. Your body is also designed to hoard its resources because it never knows when famine is going to strike. It is also worthwhile to attempt to distinguish between ‘fake’ cravings and real cravings. I typically eat my second meal of the day around 11 am, however if I have to skip it because I am working with clients then by 1 pm my body is yelling at me and telling me I am hungry. That is a fake craving, nothing drastic has happened in 2 hours from a physiological point of view. If I haven’t eaten for 3-4 days or if there any Naked and Afraid watchers out there, then you know what real cravings are. Real cravings are when your body is physically starving and demanding more food. Many of us whom have lived entirely in the first world have likely never (or very rarely) experienced real cravings.
Appreciate what you have – that ties into our next point. It is very easy when you are hungry and dieting to feel sorry for yourself. Good tasting food is all around you, it is on TV, your friends are eating it, and you want some too. But likely half of the world’s population – that is 3.5 billion people – would find the amount of food you are eating on your diet to be a kingly fair, and they would be so grateful to be able to eat that much and that quality of food every day. Instead of thinking about what you don’t have, instead be grateful for what you do have and the idea that if you wanted to you could go out and eat whatever you want. You are alive during a very fortunate time. I would say for only about .00005% of our time on this planet have humans been able to eat whatever they want whenever they want in whatever quantities they want. While that fact does mean we sometimes have to watch our weight, keep in mind we also aren’t starving and chronically fighting over food. Next time you want to have a pity party because you can’t eat that pizza, think about some prisoner of war somewhere and how grateful they would be to eat that chicken and rice or the protein shake you are whining about.
Avoid eating at a restaurant – as I mentioned previously, certain take-out foods might make dieting easier to follow, but in general actually going in and eating at a restaurant is likely not a good idea. Restaurants serve food designed to meet your cravings and designed to leave you feeling satisfied, they are not designed with your health in mind. If you emerge from a restaurant after only eating a 1000 calories that is a good day and even that is too much for almost all meal plans if you are eating several meals a day.
Cut take out food in half or thirds immediately – if you do find you have to eat at a restaurant ask for a take out box to be brought along with your food and immediately divide it into 2, or preferably 3 portions, and set that food aside. Don’t leave it on your plate otherwise you’ll pick at it and eat more than you should.
Avoid eating seconds – when you diet often the meals are small and your stomach may not be full immediately. Don’t allow yourself to get up right away and have more. Wait at least 20 minutes after your last bite before getting seconds, you’ll be amazed at how often your hunger cravings go away when you do this.
Avoid eating at a certain time of the day – as I mentioned I like to eat a big dinner and I often like to top that off with a dessert. For me I tend to eat the worse foods between 8 pm and midnight. Not eating after a certain period of time can help curtail that. For clarity, I am not suggesting that not eating before bed magically burns more calories or prevents food being stored as fat. But not eating during certain periods of the day can be useful to help limit poor food choices.
Write down your food – keeping a food journal is a great way to both understand and ultimately be able to evaluate what you are eating and how you respond to it. Be sure to record serving size of each food. Anything with calories that you eat or drink should be recorded. Generally doing this for at least a week when you start dieting is ideal.
Feed yourself first if necessary – sometimes it can be hard to be on a diet and also feed your family a good hearty meal. I know many moms in particular are others focused, but in this instance it might be useful to eat your own meal first to take the edge off, then to make stuff for the family.
Wait 20 min after eating to eat again – it can be frustrating if you tell yourself on a diet “I am not allowed to have seconds” but it is more reassuring to simply say “if I am still hungry in 20 minutes I can eat more food”. We often continue eating after we aren’t hungry and then all of a sudden we are stuffed, this can help teach you to eat until you are reasonably satiated without gorging.
Drink more water – people often mistake being thirsty for being hungry. Drinking plenty of water ensures you stay hydrated and it keeps your stomach reasonably full.
Use willpower the first few weeks to get through – Let’s face it, when you start to restrict food your body will protest through cravings, urges, and mood changes all in an attempt to alter your justification system. At some point you just have to take ownership of how you feel, you might be a little cranky, but you have to put your foot down and say “I am not going to eat that” and actually that first step can be hard but empowering. I find most clients need to start off the program relying on willpower, and then over time (2-3 weeks typically) as their new patterns become habits and they start to see results, then those eating behaviors are easier to maintain.
Take pride in your consistency – Once you get a streak of something good going, take pride in that. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life, so even if I was tempted to do so I personally wouldn’t want to ruin a 40+ year streak of being cigarette free. Once I didn’t eat any desserts for 10 months straight. Again use will power to get going, but once you have eaten 30+ healthy meals in a row, or you’ve exercised consistently for several weeks straight, take pride in that and do your best to keep it going.
Avoid or limit desserts – some individuals do better with moderation, some do better with abstinence. For example my wife can eat 1-2 Hersey kisses and be satisfied that she had a bit of chocolate to tide her over. One scoop of ice cream does nothing for me, I want 4 scoops on top of a brownie. For her moderation often works well; for me abstinence tends to work better. Know yourself and don’t be afraid to try out new strategies but remember you can’t argue with results.
Avoid or limit fast food – Fast food isn’t automatically inherently unhealthy, but we often eat it too frequently, in too great of quantities, and at the expense of other healthier food. If you can’t eat fast food without wolfing down 2 burgers and a shake, perhaps during this period it would be better just to skip it. If you can go in and order just one small item and that works for you, then just don’t have it too often.
Don’t skip meals – you might think on a diet there would be no harm in skipping meals, but I have found that skipping meals leads to poor overall compliance. Most diets provide just enough food to keep you going, if you skip a meal then 3 hours later you are starving, angry and now the idea of making a homemade meal or doing something else just seems to be too much and you find yourself staring at a large pepperoni pizza. Don’t skip meals. Even if you eat just one hour apart, it is what it is, don’t skip your planned meals.
Embrace the Suck – the bottom line is at some point you are going to be hungry and sticking with the diet will be hard. Embrace the challenge. The goal of life isn’t to make it as easy as possible, you must have a contrast effect. Some of life is hard which allows you to enjoy the good times. Don’t diet solely for health or fitness reasons. Do it to as a fight for freedom: to prove you aren’t beholden to anything. Do it to express your own power. Do it because you respect yourself too much not to. Just do it.
Weigh yourself daily – some clients don’t like the idea of weighing themselves daily and ultimately you must do what is best for you. However, the research is clear that those who weigh themselves regularly are more successful with their weight loss programs and they do a better job of keeping the weight off. To be blunt, your weight is what it is, it doesn’t matter if you weigh yourself that day or not. To me that is like not looking at a thermometer outside because you don’t want to know how cold it is. The temperature is the temperature whether you know it or not. Weight is just one variable that is useful to know when one is on a diet.
Understand that weight does fluctuate and look for a general trend – In keeping with the above, one’s weight will fluctuate. This is based on body water, waste, glycogen levels, food/drink in your stomach, hormones, time of the month, and other variables. The time of day can also significantly affect your weight. To be consistent weigh yourself on the same scale at the same time in the same cloths each day. If you want to measure yourself when you are your lightest then weighing in the nude in the morning after you have gone to the bathroom usually results in the lightest weight for the day. Most people have a natural fluctuation of 2-3 lbs in either direction, that is okay. Focus on a general trend and making sure you hit your goal weight at least once each week.
Be able to predict your weight – I think people should know how much they weigh, and they should be able to predict what they will weigh when they step on the scale, to an accuracy of +/- .5 lbs. You should predict what your weight will be, then weigh yourself and see what that prediction is. After doing this for a while you’ll find telltale signs that help you predict your weight.
Start to understand why your weight is what it is – as mentioned above, your weight will fluctuate and that is totally normal. If you weigh 140 today and 143 tomorrow it doesn’t mean you screwed up your diet or you are a bad person or anything like that. However, you are 3 lbs heavier for a reason. The more aware you become the more in tune with your body you will be. You might recall that you had tacos for dinner and they were salty and thus the extra salt is making you hold 3 lbs of water. You won’t always know exactly what is going on but you’ll learn a lot about yourself and how you respond to food by doing this.
Eat on a smaller plate – our eyes are simply used to seeing a certain amount of food set down in front of us. If we are on a diet that food can seem kind of small and a little depressing. One easy trick is to serve yourself on a smaller plate to make the quantity look larger. Pro tip: don’t just decide your spouse should suddenly eat on a smaller plate without asking them first, my wife didn’t appreciate when I did to her 😉 .
Veggies with every meal – when on a diet it is particularly important to eat your fiber and get your vitamins/minerals in. One simple tip is to eat a serving of veggies with every meal. Yes, even breakfast – peas/roasted peppers go great with scrambled eggs FYI.
Replace one meal with a protein shake – Take one of your main meals and replace them with a protein shake. This should reduce total calories but maintain protein intake which is one of the goals we are after.
Take a multivitamin – since you are consuming less food than normal you don’t want to be missing out on any micronutrients. To help cover your bases take a multivitamin. The jury is still on exactly how effective these are but they are very unlikely to cause any harm and they might be beneficial. Some researchers believe this can even help control your moods when you get “hangry”. The Costco multivitamin is likely fine, I also like AST Pro 32x vitamin if you want higher dosages and I’ve heard good things about Core Nutritionals Multivitamin.
Drink a large glass of water before every meal – having a stomach that is literally stretched a bit can help one create the feeling of satiation and it helps you stay hydrated. If your meals aren’t filling enough for you give this a whirl.
If you eat out, decide what you are going to eat beforehand and write it down – when we go to restaurants it is very easy for us to get into “party” mode – we are out to have a good time, the company is good, the food smells good, and within an hour or two we can easily eat a large amount of food. The good thing now is that almost all restaurants have their menus online and most provide nutritional info (or you can find a reasonable substitute). Look up the menu, decide what you will eat BEFORE you arrive, and write it down and/or tell someone to make an actual commitment. If you just tell yourself in your head then that commitment is easy to break. Stick with the plan and don’t deviate from it.
Eat a piece of fruit before your main meal – we often chide our kids for ruining their appetite by eating something before dinner, but when we are on a diet it is actually okay to ruin your appetite by eating something small prior. Fruit it is a good choice – moderately filling and a little sweet, it helps take the edge off.
Don’t eat for more than 5 minutes – I have discovered that when I am dieting, my meals are typically pretty small (500 kcal is very common for me) and if I am not talking a lot then I am generally done eating in 5 minutes or less. If you are sitting there eating for 30 min it is very likely too large of a portion of food. Socially this can be a negative but nobody said you have to leave the table once you are done eating, and when you are by yourself this gives you more time to do other stuff.
Don’t eat on the couch – here’s a great tip that someone shared with me. Think about the kind of food you eat on the couch – chips, popcorn, sweets, etc. Just make a rule – no eating on your couch at all. Unless you eat alone in front of the TV this should help get rid of some less than ideal habits.
No silly stuff – don’t do anything silly such as try to lose a bunch of weight at the beginning of a diet through water manipulation, enemas, prolonged fasting, etc. That just promotes water loss and not fat loss and it screws up the scale thus making it so you can’t really see how the effective the diet is over time.
Walk as much as you can – walking is a great exercise for a multitude of reasons but for our purposes it is easy enough to do even if you are hungry, it won’t burn muscle, and it tends to create a restorative effect on our body. In general walk as much as you can, if you want a specific program to follow here is one:
Do eat enough to fuel your workout – losing weight is great but we don’t want to be so strict or limited with our food that we don’t have energy to workout. If necessary your trainer will modify your program but training is key, it is so much harder to successfully lose weight (and not a ton of muscle) through diet alone.
Use another measuring stick aside from the scale – the scale is nice but it only shows weight, it doesn’t show muscle or fat. I’d suggest using at least one other way of measuring progress. This doesn’t need to be something you do every day, generally something like this can be done every 1-3 weeks. Good options include taking pictures; tape measurements of key areas such as waist or hips; or measuring your bodyfat. Your trainer can measure your body more thoroughly, but I developed a way for you to measure your own bodyfat at home if you wish to do so (skin fold calipers are necessary to do this):
Don’t give up from a bump in the road – you have to think of your weight loss as a journey and that journey isn’t always perfectly smooth, sometimes hiccups happen. You might go to a social event and eat more than you think, you might have a stressful day and you go off your diet for a meal or two. Even if that happens, that doesn’t mean that all progress is lost. That is like climbing halfway up a mountain and then you accidentally sleep in until noon when you meant to wake up at 6 am. Yes, that is annoying, but you are already half way up the mountain. Don’t give up just because you fell off the horse. Shit happens. Get back on track as soon as possible.
Self-improvement is great, and it is nice to set a challenging goal and then to achieve it. However I want to mention that all too often we tie how we feel about ourselves into how we look. I don’t believe that is optimal for long term physical or mental health. Your feelings about yourself should be based on your actions toward others, on the amount of good that you bring into the world, and the amount of evil you attempt to stop. You should not base your feelings about yourself on how you look in a certain outfit, the numbers on a scale, or how much money is in your bank account.
Weight Loss Tips Quick Reference Guide
Preparedness | Knowledge |
Plan out meals night before | Know your goal calories for the day |
Meal Prep | Know your goal protein total for the day |
Have set options for breakfast/lunch | Know how to estimate calories in food |
Have set dinners for each day of the week | Know how to estimate protein in food |
Have go to healthy snacks | Know what makes a food healthy or not |
Have plan B options | Know your own cues |
Tell others your plan and goals | Understand your cravings |
Don’t stress about food budget | Appreciate what you have |
Be prepared during social events |
Discipline | Practical |
Avoid eating out | Weigh yourself daily |
Cut take out food in half/thirds immediately | Understand that weight fluctuates |
Avoid eating seconds | Predict your own weight |
Avoid eating at certain times | Know why your weight fluctuates |
Keep a food journal | Eat on a smaller plate |
Feed yourself first | Eat veggies with every meal |
Drink more water | Replace one meal with a protein shake |
Wait 20 minutes before getting more food | Take a multivitamin |
Use willpower initially | Drink a glass of water before each meal |
Take pride in streaks | Write down food orders ahead of time |
Avoid/limit desserts | Eat a piece of fruit before main meal |
Avoid/limit fast food | Don’t eat on the couch |
Don’t skip meals | Don’t eat for more than 5 minutes |
No silly stuff | |
Walk as much as possible | |
Eat to fuel your training | |
Use another measuring stick to mark progress | |
Don’t give up |
My clients will be embarking on this team challenge from October 1st to the morning of Thanksgiving. Feel free to join along with us at home if you wish and share your results. If you are looking for more direct and individualized guidance book an appointment with me:
Cheers to you on your lifelong journey of health and fitness.