One on One
One on One Personal Training is awesome because I get to tailor the workout exactly to you and to your specific needs. No compromises, no second best exercises. It is all about you!
There is something special about working with just one client for an hour. Over time you get to really know that client, inside and out. People are amazing and I am blessed to be able to work with all sorts of individuals from all walks of life. I learn from them as they learn from me.
The biggest downside of one on one personal training is availability – there is only one of me and there is only one of you. Most clients want the same time slots. If you are interested in working One on One with a Top Tier Personal Trainer, contact me now!
I love working with groups because I love the energy and the community feel that working together brings. Over time you get to know everyone in your group, everyone is different and yet everyone is working toward a common goal – a better self. Being able to impact many people at once is very empowering for a trainer.
The biggest downside to group training is that there is only one of me and in a group not everyone may be able to train at the same time, so sometimes the schedules don’t match up. However if you are lucky enough that your schedule aligns with our group classes, then group training is likely a perfect fit for you. Contact me to learn more.
When I first watched Conan the Barbarian as young boy, I feel in love with the idea of being strong. Arnold and Stallone were my heroes growing up – I wanted to look like them and I wanted to be able to move like them. Most importantly I wanted to throw around some weights and be feared for my strength!
If the idea of getting super strong, learning the finer details of technique, and working with others who are trying to do the same thing sounds appealing, then consider joining the Powerlifting Team (availability is limited and by Coach’s decision only). We meet every Sunday from 9-11 and if desired I will write you your strength training program during the week. It is a rare opportunity to be able to work directly with the author of the most acclaimed book on the sport – All About Powerlifting – don’t pass this up. Contact me now to learn more about joining the powerlifting team.
Kids Fitness
I love working with kids. It is a strong passion of mine to instill a lifelong love of fitness into the kids I work with. Unfortunately, society isn’t doing them any favors. Kids are become more sedentary, having more screen time, spending less time in PE, and eating more calorically dense foods than ever before. These patterns, if not fixed now, can have significant implications down the line.
And to be honest it isn’t just about health. Fitness for me was how I found myself. As a teen struggling to fit in at high school, weight training gave me the confidence to be who I was meant to be. I want fitness training to do the same for your kids. Whether or not your child is an All-star athlete or the one picked last in gym class, regular exercise can make a huge difference in their life – now and in the future.
Kids classes are held at my home gym in Oakton VA. They are open to kids ages 6-14 and we focus on the key pillars of fitness – strength, endurance, flexibility – all expressed in a healthy body. The classes are lead by me. With 3 boys of my own ages 11, 10, and 8, I know the importance of burning off their energy in a productive way. If you are interested in having your son or daughter enroll in Tim’s Fitness and Fun Camp for Kids, contact me today!
Let’s be honest. As we age we tend to lose strength, muscle mass, endurance, bone density, and balance. One thing usually goes up and that is body fat. But you do not need to go quietly into the night. A proper exercise program can at least slow the rate of decline and in many cases it can significantly reverse those trends. It is a cliché but it is true: Exercise literally is the best foundation of youth we have, and it comes with minimal side effects. All it takes is time and effort and consistency.
You worked hard your whole life so you could enjoy your retirement years. Part of that enjoyment means being able to move well enough to do the things you want, and it means staying healthy so that you can reap the full benefits of the time you now have. There are no guarantees in life, but you want to stack the odds in your favor. Regular exercise is important – you already know that – but it is important to work with someone knowledgeable about what happens to the body as it ages and someone with enough experience to know how to modify the workouts so they are appropriate for you.
I offer senior group fitness classes so that you can work in a group of similar individuals all working toward the same goal. If you are interested in our senior group fitness programs, please contact me now!
Fitness for Trainers
Personal Trainers need to workout too. One of my favorite things about NPTI was running the practical portion of the class, so I wanted to continue to do that. Trainers are typically busy in the morning before work and in the evenings after work, but the middle of the day is often a slower time.
With my Fitness for Trainers class, it will be run very similar to NPTI. This class is only open to those with reasonable fitness experience and pending Tim’s approval. Each class is 2 hours long. The first 15 minutes will discuss an exercise – how to coach it, how to cue it, key points, etc. Then we will train. You can train either in groups or individually, it is your choice. You can follow your own program or a program that I set up for you – your choice. At the end of the day we might do something “fun” such as a group conditioning workout, flexibility and mobility drills, some sort of challenge or something like that. Contact me now to learn more!